Our Angel

Whitlee May is an angel straight from Heaven.  We are loving her so much... maybe too much in some cases (ahem- Bronson and Charlotte).  As far as babies go, she is pleasant and sleeps well.  She loves to snuggle and is already giving us lots of great smiles.

It is seriously so hard not to just sit here all day long and soak her in.

About a week after she was born, my sister Lyndsay came to our house and helped me take some gorgeous keepsake photos of the little princess.  It is so hard for me to decide which ones to order and put on the wall.  I love them all.  I love that we live in a day and age when more and more people are picking up photography as a hobby.  What better way to freeze time?

Did I mention that I made that dress right there... alright, so I made the baby too, but I'm not so sure the dress wasn't harder to make.


Sheila saidā€¦
oh my that dress is so beautiful So jealous of your talent!