Matching Easter Dresses
My mom is an amazing seamstress. When I was a girl, despite the fact that she had a gaggle of little girls, she would whip out Easter dresses, summer outfits, baptism dresses, and matching Christmas jammies. Being at the younger end of the totem pole, I thought it was pretty great to match with my sisters. But by the time my mom had her fifth girl in a row, I think either the sewing got to be too big of a gargantuan task, or else the big sisters started to rebel about matching as there was a 12 year age difference from oldest to youngest and the matching ended. My oldest sister posted this picture that she had found on Facebook the other day and I think it summed up the end of the dress matching era...
However, sometimes, we still pull it off...
And when we do, we rock :)
When I got pregnant this time around, I was almost certain it was going to be a boy. I was willing to place bets on it. I was taken by such surprise when the ultra sound revealed a girl. What a great surprise. I have such a soft spot for my girls and I may have gotten a little excited about sewing, crocheting, and creating all kinds of girlie goodness in preparation for this new little one.
It occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that once this baby girl is born, Easter will be right around the corner. And this year, I have three girls to match!
And since the amount of matching dresses has been somewhat limited in the past, these girls are still smiling about it. Yay! Having three girls is going to be so much fun!