Fillmore Funny

Here are some favorites from our resident three year old comedian, Charlotte Geraldine:

-When I announced one night at dinner time that I was going to go pick up a "Babysitter" so that Zac and I could go on a date, Charlotte became so excited, she began jumping up and down saying "Yay! Yay!  I promise I will share my room with her and I will love her forever!"  Unfortunately, she thought I had said we were getting a "Baby Sister" after the initial disappointment wore off, she actually had a lot of fun with the babysitter.  We obviously need to get a baby sitter more often.

-She is convinced that because she has blue eyes, she can see in the dark.  The other night she woke me in the middle of the night needing to use the potty.  She wanted me to flip on the light, and groggy as I was, I suggested that we just used the night light, to which she said, "Oh, that's right, you have brown eyes and you can't see in the dark and that is why you need the light off, it would hurt your eyes.  I have BLUE eyes and I can see in the dark.

-She has concocted a story lately about a family of spiders that live in her ears.  Whenever we are too loud, she grabs her ears and says, STOP! you are hurting my spiders.  She tells us that sometimes the spiders leave her ears at night and go and scare people, (there are 10 of them), but they never scare her because they love her.  One day she was having a bath with Ian and he told her to get her hair wet to which she replied, "No, then my spider's wings will get wet!"  Ian answered, "Spiders don't have wings!"  "They do when they are wearing their costumes!"

-A while back, I was taking Bronson to get his 12 month shots.  While I was filling out the paper work, Char reached down her pants and produced some toilet paper and proclaimed loudly "Look mom, there was some toilet paper left in my bum!"  I tried to shush her and quickly grab the tp away, but this incited her to run away from me while wipe the toilet paper across her face yelling, "No, it's mine!"

-I also love how she wants to make every stranger her friend.  She is always waving to the most obscure people and will stand there and wave and wave until they wave back.  If she decides they are a friend, she will start to plague them with questions about whether they have brothers and sisters and what their name is (usually adults).  She is also at a lovely stage where she will proclaim loudly whether or not she thinks someone looks scary or mean, nice or pretty.  Always loudly enough for the said person to hear her. 

And one from Ian:

-I was brainstorming ideas for a food contest with the kids.  I said, "What can we do with a pound cake?"  Ian's winning suggestion?  "Take it to Broulim's and have them decorate it and then you're good to go!"

Love these kids and so thankful for the constant laughs and smiles.


Dusti saidā€¦
I just love your blog! It always gives me a good laugh :)