Picture Potpourri

I have a smattering of pictures from the last several weeks, none of which deserve their own blog post, so I am unloading this mash-up into one big pot of picture potpourri!

To follow up on my pears contest, I did not advance to the final round.  Though it would have been nice to have the prize money, the gentleman that beat me had a terrific sounding pear recipe and I wish him well.  As for now I am happily awaiting the arrival of my indoor dutch oven within the next couple of weeks :)
Contesting is a really fun hobby in our family.  When I find a contest that fits our "style" we discuss it as a family and we all come up with our best ideas.  The kids get into it and are always excited to see when our entries earn a prize.  The above picture is one fun thing we discovered as a family that we can do with pears!  If you are interested, just soak a pear overnight in a glass of water with food coloring and the pear will take the color.  Obviously, the more coloring = brighter pears.  My kids had a blast making and eating these!

For Christmas, the kids got "Snow Markers" (Charlotte calls them Snow Glue) in their stockings from Santa and now our snowmen will never be the same.

After weeks of sub-zero temperatures we have finally had a week or so of thaw, which has made for some great sticky snow.  The kids made an awesome fort in the backyard.

Mittens the kitten has discovered her favorite place to be is on top of a clean batch of laundry fresh from the dryer.  Mittens the kitten will soon be heading to the great outdoors as she will no longer be an indoor cat when we move to the new residence.  I hope we haven't spoiled her?

Last week we got cabinets!  And I am thrilled.

Just a couple of weeks left to go and no one is dead yet.  I think we're gonna make it!!!
