Mi Casa

After weeks and weeks of permit and loan delays coinciding with my unfortunate timing of reading, "The Glass Castle" (a story about a crazy man with the best of intentions to build his family an amazing residence dubbed 'The Glass Castle', but in the end ends up homeless instead...), we finally dug a hole!!!  The house has visible progress and now we are cooking with Crisco.  Here is a time lapse montage for your viewing pleasure.  The first six pictures were taken from the same spot on the lot.

Foundation is in, sub rough plumbing complete, and basement floor poured.  Framing stats TODAY!
Tanner is beyond excited to help his dad with the construction process and was even there with his dad until midnight the other night helping to finish up some plumbing.  He got a shovel and a metal detector to find some treasures in the piles of dirt.  And believe it or not, there are actually many treasures.  When we excavated, we found the foundation of an old cabin, along with a wagon wheel, bucket, old horse shoes, bones, and cans of some sort that had disintegrated, but looked to be previously unopened.  We are having a ball finding these treasures and of course, I am thrilled with the potential of building on a historical site!
Bronson is super thrilled to be building.  The dirt we have excavated has turned out to be VERY sandy and Bronson has already been leaving his foot prints and can't wait to have a sand box.
Ashlyn and Ian exploring the basement before the floor was poured.
And of course Charlotte loves to be at the job site digging in the dirt.

We are so excited!


Annie Bingham saidā€¦
I can't wait for your house to be built too! We need to come visit the site some time!