Twin Birthday Extravaganza
My beautiful, wonderful Ashlyn and Tanner turned 7 recently, which is always a huge reason to celebrate, namely because I have kept them alive for 7 whole years which is way more than I can say about any plant or animal that has ever been under my care!
This year Tanner has been on a quest to catch a fish, and is obsessed with all things fishing, which is why he decided on a fish cake this year.
We found a cake that he liked online and I did my best to replicate it. What do you think?
Miss Ashlyn thinks that she wants to own a pet store when she grows up, she loves all animals, especially pink and purple ones.
It is Ashlyn's dream to someday own a cat, I told her if she can find a pink and purple one, then she can have it!
Blowing out the candles at the cabin.
A big stack of presents for two big kids.
Ashlyn's presents included: a sewing machine, a hula hoop, a bubble gum making kit, some littlest petshops, and a butterfly habitat which came with actual caterpillars in the mail that we are told will actually turn into butterflies!
Some of Tanners presents: A remote control motor boat to play with at the lake and in our pool, a bug podz contraption that you can make mazes for bugs with, a water gun, a mad science kit, and...
A BB Gun!!!! Is my boy really old enough for his own gun? He was sure excited!
Trying out some mad science.
10 Things you should know about Ashlyn:
1. Her favorite food in the world is Ramen Noodles and she will eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, if we let her.
2. She is an absolute fish. She can be found in her swimming suit about 24 hours of the day and prefers being in water to being on land.
3. This girl loves to read and has been keeping a very impressive list of the books that she has read during the summer in hopes to win a reading contest when she returns to school.
4. Ashlyn started piano lessons this year and is doing very well at them!
5. Ashlyn absolutely adores animals and STILL plays puppies (stuffed animals) every day with her brothers. She has been doing this since she was probably 18 months old. She hopes to own a pet store some day.
6. Her favorite TV shows are Phineas and Ferb and any Land Before Time movie.
7. She loves being with family and especially loves to play with her best friend (besides her siblings of course), cousin Meg.
8. Ashlyn is an art enthusiast and will spend meticulous amounts of time completing a craft project. Summer craft time at the library was one of her favorite things to do this summer.
9. She loves playing with the boys in the neighborhood and keeps up just fine doing whatever the boys are doing, especialy hunting for bugs or other gross creepy crawlies!
10. Ashlyn loves to help her mom, especially in the kitchen cooking.
We love you Ashlyn Sweetheart and can't wait to see the amazing things you will accomplish this year!
ļ»æ10 Things you should Know About Tanner:
1. This boy can EAT. He is probably one of the skinniest kids in his class, but I have witnessed this kid pound down four hamburgers in one sitting. He averages between 5-10 pancakes at a breakfast sitting, and one sandwich just ain't gonna cut it anymore for lunch!
2. Tanner loves to camp. Last year he got a tent for his birthday and that tent has been put to good use. He uses his tent almost every night to host campouts with his brother and sister. He is always begging us to go camping and fishing.
3. Tanner is a dare devil always trying to pop wheelies and do all sorts of flips and acrobatics on the trampoline and we are very fortunate that this kid hasn't broken a bone (yet?)
4. This kid loves to learn. Every time we go to the library, he heads to the Non-Fiction section and stocks up on any books he can find to learn about ocean animals, animals, dinosaurs, anything with wheels, boats, and etc. He is very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics.
5. Tanner loves to build and construct things. He loves legos and Lincoln Logs and anything that he can use his imagination to build. He is currently working on a model with his dad and can't wait for dad to get home every day to work with him.
6. Tanner is a world class bug catcher. If someone needs a butterfly caught, Tanner is your man and he can often be found in the fields around our house trying to catch elusive breeds of butterfly.
7. Tanner started piano lessons this year and is doing awesome at them.
8. This kid is very athletic and even though he had to face the intimidating pitching machine this year, he got some great hits. He can't wait for football season to start and is also excited to start basketball this year.
9. Tanner is extremely helpful. He can't stand it if he knows that he has a task that needs to be accomplished. First thing in the morning he asks us what his chores are for the day so that he can get them done, then he makes sure that his brother and sisters get their chores done so that everyone can play.
10. Tanner looks forward to being a missionary and likes his hair very neatly trimmed. He won't let us so much as put a spike in his hair, without him running to the bathroom to comb it down. He is always dressed in a shirt and tie first thing on Sunday morning and he has a very sweet testimony.
We love you very much Tanner and appreciate all you do to keep our home running!