Tricky Business

I know that this April Fools Day post is a little late, but given the fact that I am running on very little sleep and have to give myself little pep talks to brave the stairs after the big c-section, I am just getting around to blogging about it.

So I have a really tricky husband and he has a really tricky wife, so every year when April Fools Day rolls around, we have to watch our backs a lot. Like this year, I put on some coconut lotion the night before the big day and Zac went crazy when he smelled it thinking that I had done something to his conditioner and he went on a rampage through the bathroom to figure out what I had done! Here are some of my favorites from the past and our trickiest tricks this year!

Me playing tricks on Zac:

1) In college when Zac and I were dating, I noticed a chemistry kit in Zac's apartment... the kit contained a bottle of Methaline(?) Blue. I remembered that I had heard before that if you ingest this chemical, it will turn your urine blue, so of course I had to try it out. I baked up a batch of peanut butter cups and put the Methaline Blue in the chocolate. Zac and his roomates were peeing blue for days (and so were me and my roomates because we wanted to try it). So to get me back, Zac filled a water bottle with blue water and spelled my name in the snow outside of my apartment (at least he said it was water). He also tried to spray the tires of my car, but turns out he got the wrong car and actually got my friend Cassie's car!

2) When we were first married, I had a fake lizard that I put into Zac's shower gel. At the time we got married, shower gel and poofs weren't in fashion for guys, and I thought the lizard would give the shower gel a more manly edge. And nine years later, that little guy has appeared in every bottle of shower gel that Zac has owned.

3) Then there was the year that I blind stitched closed the fly on Zac's underwear.

4) One year, I sprinkled Kool-Aid on his towel, so that when he dried off after the shower, it died his body red... unfortunately that one backfired on me and I had to scrub Kool-aid out of the bathroom for weeks.

5) One year I put a big glass of water on top of the door, so that when he came in to go to bed, it got him pretty good... that one went along with a good cold bucket of water dumped over top the shower curtain.

6) Last year, my theme was "Glitter Your World" and I put glitter in Zac's body wash, shampoo, hair brush, and deodorant. It really brightened his day.

7) This year, since I was up late feeding a baby and up earlier than Zac, I had time to put all of his toiletries (hair brush, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, etc.) in a big bowl of water and froze it. He had to thaw the thing out in the morning when he wanted to brush his teeth. It was great.

Zac's Tricks on Lori:

I can't remember nearly as many tricks that Zac has pulled on me as I have pulled on him, maybe it is because I am trickier... I know that tricks from Zac in the past have included lots of food coloring, but can't name anything specifically.

1) One year, I got an alarm clock under the bed set for midnight, unfortunately for Zac we went to bed late that night and rather than freaking me out, the alarm just confused and then amused me.

2) One year he forgot to play a trick on me, so at the last minute he brought me a glass of water when we went to bed. It was full of salt and resulted in me spitting it at him.

3) This year, Zac went all out and collaborated with Ashlyn. They took the baby monitor and put it in Ashlyn's room then swapped Charlotte out with a cabbage patch doll. When Zac stomped on the floor (their secret signal), Ashlyn began to cry like a baby and say "mama, mama"... boy was I tricked when I went in to find Charlotte turned into a cabbage patch doll!

Now that you all know how weird we are, it may be wise to steer clear of us on April Fools Day. I just can't wait until the kids are old enough to think of their own tricks!


Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
I TOTALLY remember all your amazing tricks during college!! One time, didn't you make brownies with that blue stuff too?? (Maybe it was different guys, but I do remember that!)