How do you spell Mom? N-A-G

This is what Ian heard today...

Time to clean up your room.
Don't hit your sister.
Do not even think about throwing that toy.
Pick up that toy you just threw.
Eat your lunch.
Time for a nap.

I tucked the little guy into bed and headed back to the kitchen to clean up the lunch mess. I had given the kids Scrabble Edition Cheez-It crackers. Ashlyn and Tanner like to lay out the letters to make words. Ian likes to do whatever Tanner and Ashlyn are doing. And I kid you not this is the word I found by his plate. All of the other crackers had been eaten. Is this just coincidence, or is my genius 2-year old trying to tell me something?


Kris saidā€¦
NAG...hysterical! I love your witty postings! You're such a writer.
I love it!! How cute. I'm sure one of these days they'll see that you just say those things cause you love them. I know I remember thinking that when I went to college. Oh so you might have to wait that long too..but it'll be worth it.