First Day of Kindergarten!

Back from school after the first day of Kindergarten. Ashlyn and Tanner were so hot, tired, and thirsty after getting off the bus.

"I want my BUS!" Ian bawling when he realized he didn't get to ride the bus with the kids.

Day 1 of the next 22-24 years of his life.

She has been counting down the days until Kindergarten for the last 2 years.

School Bus Pancakes for Breakfast!

Ashlyn and Tanner had their first day of Kindergarten on Thursday. It has been a whirlwind of trials getting them there, but they finally boarded the big yellow bus and went to school, and miraculously made it back home to tell the tale!

This is how their first day went in their own words:
Me: How did you know where to go when you got to school?
Ash: Toenail (Tenille, our neighbor) was there and she showed us where to go, then we went inside. Then I sat down at a table by Ethan, not our friend Ethan, but Ethan from church.
Tan: And I sat by Ashlyn and that boy from my coach team (Dallin from his Tee Ball team).

Me: Then what did you do?
Ash: Then we had to sit on teh rug a lot of times and our teacher talked a lot. She didn't talk about colors at all. She talked about rules and numbers, but not colors.
Tan: And she only read us one book about a racoon that went to school, but he didn't really want to.
Ash: We played with toys, but not the legos, not at all, because the teacher told us that we couldn't. We played getting on the mountain and going under the bridge.

Me: What did you do at recess?
Ash: We played at recess, it was fun, we climbed up a spider web.
Tan: That mountain slide you mean Ash?
Ash: Yeah.

Me: Tell me about lunch?
Ash: We had a ham & cheese sandwhich and milk cookies, carrots, apples, and a chocolate milk. They had them in bags. We colored a picture of a pig. You have to come and see it. They hung it up in the lunch room and it has some special words on it.
Tan: After we ate lunch all gone, then we had to go play at the toys, then one teacher said we had to line up, then we went in our class.

Me: How was show and tell?
Ash: I showed them my unicorn and my strawberry picture in my art scrapbook. My teacher said she had a scrapbook too.
Tan: I showed them my baseball picture. The teacher said, "Oh look at Tanner's special thing."
Ash: Macie brought a pony and a pony shirt 'cause she likes ponies. And one boy brought a Thomas computer.

Me: Did you make any friends today?
Tan: I like our coach friend.
Ash: I have a friend with a watermelon backpack, but I can't remember her name.

Me: What was your favorite part of the day?
Tan: Playing on the toys.
Ash: Snack time. We had graham crackers. We had to put sanitizer on our hands. It smelled like snacks. I don't know why we had to put sanitizer on our hands.

AND FINALLY: Did mom cry when they left for school? Perhaps I sniffled, but it was hard to cry when I was laughing at Ian, who was so SAD when he found out that he couldn't go on the bus. It is going to be quite an adjustment going from 3 kids to 1 kid all day! At least school is only a couple times a week.


Tiffany saidā€¦
Hang in there!! What a big day for both mom and kids! Here in AZ, kindergarten is all day every day! :)
Tay Pam Smith saidā€¦
You amaze me!! You always have such fun ideas to do with your kids and you're such an amazing mom and wife! Thanks for your example...p.s. LOVED THE RIBBON DANCE! You girls crack me up!