Does Ian look embarrassed to you?

A very beautiful princess. Where do girls get this princess obsession from anyways? We had Disney princesses when I was a kid, but I really don't remember ever dressing up like this or having all of the toys that all the girls have now.

Don't be fooled by the disgruntled look, he begged us to dress him up! *Just don't tell his dad :)

The kids and I went up Friday afternoon to see Zac at Scout Camp because we missed him so much. We decided to pack a bag for Tanner and drop him off to be with his dad for the last night. He was in High Heaven about that I tell you! Ashlyn was bummed that she couldn't stay, so we decided to have a Princess party to make it up to her. First we had her favorite dinner, mac 'n cheese, then we got all princessed up... this involved, picking a pretty dress, necklaces, bracelets, and rings, then some of mom's fancy socks to match the dress. We all had to have head bands, princess spray (body spray) and nail polish, then got make up on (Ashlyn's biggest joy)! After we were all gussied up, we were ready to watch Alladin, a princess movie that Ashlyn hadn't seen yet. We ended with a magic carpet ride on our coffee table and a slumber party in mom's bed. It was a magical night that I hope Ashlyn never forgets. On the other hand, I bet Ian will wish that I will someday forget this night when I start pulling out pictures to show his future girlfriend.