Tanner and Ashlyn's Birthday
Happy Birthday Tanner and Ashlyn! Despite daddy's threats to not let them have a birthday so that they would quit growing up, it still came and Tanner and Ashlyn turned 5 on July 15th!

*He is obsessed with trucks of all kinds and always wants them for his presents. He astounds his mother with how he can identify any kind of truck.
*He is extremely competitive and has to be the biggest, fastest, strongest, best at everything he does.
*He believes that he is a scout and at church stands next to the bench during the sacrament so that he can administer the sacrament to his family. He always makes sure that he has on a shirt and tie to do so.
*He worries about grown up things and especially how he will meet a girl to marry when he grows up (he recently found out he couldn't marry Ashlyn so this has been a concern). He took flowers to a neighbor friend that is a girl his age because that is what a good scout does, he takes flowers to the ladies.
*He has such a tender heart for animals. He cried when he watched Marley and Me and wants a dog more than anything in this world.
*He hates being in trouble. He is almost never naughty deliberately and if he finds himself in trouble, he tells me, "Mom, when you get mad at me it makes my eyes get water in them."
*He wants to be a homebuilder when he grows up.
*He is obsessed with bugs and got a bug habitat for his birthday, which he has already filled up.
*He loves to learn so much that 90% of the books he checks out from the library are non-fiction about any kind of vehicle, dinosaurs, and animals.
*He makes friends so easily that whenever we go anywhere with kids, he will have a friend made within 5 minutes whether it is at McDonalds or at a playground.
*She gives great back tickles, foot, and head massages.
*She knows when someone is having a bad day and needs a massage or a special hug. Sometimes she acts 10+ years older than she is and she can sit with me and have conversations with me that are so adult. She is already one of my best friends.
*She is so thoughtful and is always thinking of ways to help mom without even being asked. She is always asking mom, "What can I do to help you?" And she is especially kind and helpful with her brothers.
*She loves bugs and is constantly searching for ladybugs, grasshoppers, and worms.
*She loves to learn and is working very hard practicing her reading and her addition skills. She constantly astounds us with how deeply she thinks about things. She wants to know how everything works and tries to reason it out for herself. She can't wait for Kindergarten.
*She thinks that her middle name is Sweetheart, even though she doesn't really have one.
*She hates competition.
*She loves swimming lessons and swimming. She also loves art and is very good at it. She is amazing at her coloring ability and would color and paint all day if we would let her.
*Her favorite thing to play is My Little Ponies, and stuffed animals (puppies).
*Her favorite food is Mac 'n Cheese and she begs to have it every night for dinner.
That pool is huge...I had no idea it was so big! What fun!