Ashlyn and Tanner's Senior Prom

Tanner and Ashlyn went to their senior prom and this go-round they even got to be in the same group!
They had a huge group and had so much fun being together celebrating this Senior milestone.

Some of my favorite memories from this prom include:
-Ashlyn bought 3 dresses, even though it was her last ever school formal because she couldn't make up her mind about what she wanted to wear and also couldn't pass up a good deal.
-Tanner forgot that he was in charge of bringing the salad until he was literally leaving to pick up his date for the dinner.  He ran back into the house grabbed half a head of lettuce and started rapid-fire tearing it into tiny pieces.  When I asked him what on earth he was doing and he told me what was going on, I told him to just go pick up his date and stall for time while I ran to Walmart, bought a salad kit, and made it in the suburban and ran it over to the house where they were having dinner.  Whew- he then asked me if I had some cash... because he had forgotten that too!  What a kid- hope he survives his mission!

I am going to miss having the fun dance dates and dinners at our house.  One more year and then Ian will be dating!
