My Happy Place

We have had such a hart time getting to the cabin this year.  It is the biggest crying shame of our lives... the fact that we have such a cozy and comfortable cabin at our disposal in one of the most beautiful places on earth just 2 hours from our house and between all of the busy things our family does we can never find a weekend to get there!

We finally decided that even if we could only get there for one night, we would make it happen before it gets too cold to enjoy.

Bronson, Charlotte, and I made a Fall Mandala with all the pretty Fall foliage we could find.

The boys dragged us out to the docks first thing to get our minnow traps in, so that we would have some bait to fish with in an hour.

Ashlyn got her hair tangled in a hook.

And the kids wanted to practice their photography skills while we waited for the fish to bite.

We got creative with the Aperture mode:

And then the fish started biting!

Tanner hooked this one in the eye...ewwww!

Even this guy is starting to be quite the fisherman.

Love, love, love this family of mine and ever so grateful to have this beautiful place to use that feels so much like home.
