The Return of School!

School is back in session and we have ALL been counting down the days with excitement!

Charlotte Geraldine started 2nd grade this year at a new school (our school district has broken the elementary schools into a couple of grades per school, so every two years we are switching schools).

She has the same teacher Ian had in second grade and we are thrilled because she is wonderful.  She is already enjoying reading A LOT.  In fact we have to beg her to put down her Diary of a Whimpy Kid book to get some time with her.  She is also becoming quite the whiz at addition facts.  She is making new friends and having so much fun.

Ashlyn Sweetheart is embarking on her second year in Junior High as an 8th grader. 

She has signed up for a fourth year of orchestra and is looking forward to a cooking class.  She is really making a lot of friends and can't wait for basketball season.

Tanner is also starting his 8th grade year 

This boy also loves to read and has already read more than 1,000 pages within the first month of school.  He is also in for a fourth year of orchestra at the cello and also signed up for the same cooking class as Ashlyn.  He is looking forward to basketball season.

This cool kid, Ian Robert is starting his first year of middle school as a 5th grader. 

He is so excited to be at the big kid school and is really enjoying playing football right now.  This will be his first year in the music program and he is looking forward to choosing an instrument.  He has the same teacher Tanner had in fifth grade and we think she is great.

And my little buster, Bronson Micah started KINDERGARTEN!!  Ack! 

I am still fighting tears over this a month later.  I miss him so much.  He is such a help with the girls, that I don't know what to do without him.  I told him I wasn't going to let him go and he replied, "Oh, I think you're going to want me to go.  They are going to teach me how to clean the house and then I can come home every day and keep the house clean for you."  The little manipulator got his way and now he is in Kindergarten.  He aced his Kindergarten readiness test and is already enjoying reading small books.  He is a smartie.  He has the same teacher Ian had in Kindergarten and once again, we are so glad.  She is wonderful!

Can you imagine how quiet the house is with this hoard of kids out of my hair all day?  I can't believe how sad it makes me!  At least I still have the little girls here to keep me company, or I might really lose it.  I still have two more years until I have to give up my Whitlee... then what on earth am I going to do?
