Zac and Lori Birthday/ Memorial Day Weekend
It was birthday time at our house and boy did our kids make it fun for us this year! They worked hard doing chores around the house and then pooled their money to buy us some birthday surprises. I dropped them off at Wal-Mart with the money they earned and some walkie talkies and they did the rest. The presents were a complete surprise. When I woke up, the kids had a birthday crown for me to wear for the day.

They very thoughtfully bought me some nail polish, a water bottle, and a bottle of Aussie brand shampoo. (I had just highlighted my hair and had been looking for a special brand of "purple" shampoo to cut some of the brassiness from the highlight job, so the kids very sweetly and thoughtfully bought me a purple bottle of shampoo!)
The kids got Zac an inflatable raft to enjoy at the cabin.
Our little Josie that I babysit sent me this gorgeous bouquet of flowers (with help from her amazing mom!)
To celebrate our birthday this year, we took our annual birthday trip to the cabin to open it up for the season and get the boat in the lake.
We talked our dad to a trip to West Yellowstone to get an ice cream cone and walk around the tourist shops.
We were also able to get some fishing time in and Charlotte and Bronson were able to each pull in a beautiful rainbow trout. These kids of mine sure do like to fish!
When we got home from the cabin, Zac and I had a wonderful birthday date to a fancy pants restaurant in Idaho Falls that offers 50% off on your birthday. I am sure that when they made that deal, they never fathomed that a couple would have the same birthday! Ha! The food was delicious and the birthday date was divine. I always feel so blessed to share a birthday with my sweetheart.
My only regret is that neither of us had a birthday dessert. It is hard to believe but we were both SO BUSY the week of our birthday and it didn't even occur to us until later that no one sang Happy Birthday to us and we didn't blow out any candles or have a dessert. We didn't even have time to birthday shop for each other and ended up doing that for our birthday date. How did that happen? It's funny the things that you quit caring so much about when you get older.
And boy am I ever starting to feel older... oh well, beats the alternative!
Love you sweetheart. Thanks for sharing your birthday with me!