
We have some exciting news.  We just expanded our pet menagerie by 10.  We got chickens!  Zac's brother and his wife so graciously donated a chicken coop and 10 darling chickens to our children.  I was a little nervous about it at first... I'll be honest, I am a little scared of chickens.  I was worried I might have to touch them and pick them up.  However, I have six fearless children who are in no way afraid of chickens and in fact love them so much that every 15 minutes (no kidding) the coop is checked for eggs.  The kids have taken a renewed interest in taking care of all of our pets and it has been great to see them taking on this new responsibility. 

Zac helped the kids make a very nice enclosure for the chickens to keep them safe from the hawks and owls that frequent our fields and Tanner crossed off a merit badge requirement in Family Life for getting the family together to work on a family project.  Now if we can keep up with the 8 eggs a day we get, that will be amazing!
