Our Favorite "Pop"
It was Father's Day last Sunday and we couldn't wait to spoil our favorite dad.
Zac really is the world's best dad. He amazes me over and over with his parenting skills. There are times when the kids will say or do something that would send me over the edge and I look at Zac to see how he is going to handle it and then I feel guilt ridden as I see him take that child gently into his arms and calmly talk to them about why they said or did what they did. One night a certain child was sent to their room during dinner (by me... boo) and then Zac excused himself to go down to talk with that child. After 15 minutes he still hadn't returned and I thought, "Uh Oh, that child is getting killed." I went down to make sure everyone was okay and Zac was laying with said child in child's bed talking and telling stories and helping child understand the situation. He really has the softest heart for each one of his children. He is the kind of dad that when he walks in the door from work all of the kids go running to see who can get to him first and then he is tossing kids in the air and running and wrestling through the house. He teaches the kids to work and he teaches them how to play working on basketball and baseball skills, and he teaches them that they have a Heavenly Father and helps them understand their part in His plan. And most importantly he shows them how much he loves their mother. I really don't see how there could be a better daddy out there.
For Father's Day we made him a Pop Cake for the world's greatest Pop.
Even spent their own money to buy him a treat.
Of course, with kids it is always, "Happy Father's Day! I got you this candy... can I have some? Can I have all of it?" And I wish I could say I wasn't guilty, but I would guess that I have already consumed 75% of the pop we gave him on that pop cake and the sweetheart gave me his Hershey's candy bar from church. He really does deserve a Father of the Year award.
If you have a minute click on this LINK and click on the YouTube video on the page to watch him talk about what he does at work. He sounds and looks so professional. What a stud muffin.