Sew What?
This morning Ashlyn came upstairs with a hole-y pair of jeans. I have been noticing that a lot of her jeans have been worn through lately and I thought, well, here is a chance for me to use some of those crafty pins that I have pinned on Pinterest... such as this "Haute Couture" knee patch. This will be a great craft project for the day :)

I got the babies to sleep and broke out my sewing machine in a gleeful state of anticipated craftdom. I pulled up the first pair of pants, cut a nice patch, pinned it to the back, just like the blogger said, and then "tried" to put the pants on my sewing machine... um... these skinny leg little girl pants aren't exactly fitting on my sewing machine?!?
Me: "Mom, how the heck am I supposed to get these here pants on the sewing machine?"
Mom: "You have to pick the inseam."
Me: "grr, !@#$ , grrr"
Bronson: "Wahhhhhhhh!!!!"
So after holding Bronson on my lap for an hour while I picked the inseam, I was now ready to go on that Haute Coutre patch. I sewed back and forth and up and down and even sewed the front of the pants to the back of the pants...grrr... unpick...grrr. Finally, I was done stitching. Well, maybe not quite as cute as the patch on Pinterest, but workable...I sewed the inseam back together, of course, not in the way it was originally sewn, that would look too nice. I had already lost my patience, and as long as there wasn't a hole in the inseam, good enough...
Ta Da!
I take the pants to Ashlyn to have her try them on. She comes out holding them together at the top.
Me: Why are you holding your pants like that?
Ashlyn: Because the button broke off these pants forever ago and they are too small.
In the future, I will just spend the $8 at WalMart to get the girl a new pair of pants.