
This one was taken today 9-29-11 notice the nice greenish hue coming in at the top.  We are getting more and more colors every day!

Wednesday 9-28-11
On Monday, I was in the middle of teaching Mommy School when the phone rang.  I don't normally answer when we are in the middle of preschool, but I saw on caller ID that it was from the school.  When I answered it, I heard those dreaded words that no mom likes to hear, "Your daughter was playing on the monkey bars and..."  I would fill in that dot, dot, dot, with the details but I don't know exactly what happened, other than Ashlyn came into the office with a monster-sized spongy bump on her head.  The school wanted me to come down to verify that it wasn't a concussion and to give my consent for her to stay at school the rest of the day.  Why do kids have to be so breakable!  It turned out that she was okay and the school secretaries couldn't believe how she didn't even cry.  It has been an interesting rest of the week watching as her bump drains down into a nice bruise in her eye lid.  We keep teasing her about staying out of mom's makeup. 

There's nothing like seeing your children hurting to realize how much you love them and how much you would do for them so that they never had to experience pain.  I am so thankful for such brave, tough kids, and eternally thankful that the biggest "Ouchies" that we encounter with our kids are the minor bumps and bruises on the playground.  I know so many other brave and tough families that go through so much more and they have my total love and admiration.


Kris saidā€¦
Ouch! What a brave little girl!