Spoiled Rotten

After having Ian, somehow my rules all went out the door. I only had one baby to bathe, one to feed, and I could hold him without someone crying to be fed on the floor. And so I did. I held him and held him and held him.... and then he wouldn't let me put him down one day and even now I found myself packing the two year old tank around!
Then there is Zac. Maybe it is because he works more hours and doesn't get to see the kids as much, or maybe he has sense my defenses dropping? But lately, bedtime for Ian consists of us putting him down for bed, then 5-10 minutes later when Ashlyn and Tanner have been put to bed, he sneaks out of his room and scopes us out with his binocculars. Zac sees him, laughs his head off, then Ian has his bait set. "Daddy, I want daddy's bed!" "Okay little guy whatever you want." And these pictures were the result of Ian having his way staying up until 10 in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Zac went to get the camera because he was being so funny. So then Ian thought that he would like to be a photographer for the night and these are the results of his work. Whatever he is when he grows up, I am sure it will involve pushing buttons.
