Easter 2024

We used our extra last few days of Spring Break and celebrated Easter at the cabin!  We took our Easter baskets in hope that the Easter Bunny would find us there and he didn't disappoint.

In fact, it was fun to see all of the creative places that the Easter Bunny found to hide candy all over the cabin.  I think we will be finding candy in unique locations for the rest of the year.

Mom and Dad also gifted everyone a pair of Easter shorts in preparation for Spring and our upcoming trip to Hawaii.

Ian was silly and instead of hunting for candy, he filled his basket with whatever struck his fancy around the cabin.

Since there was still snow at the cabin, Whitlee thought it would be fun to make a snow bunny, so I started making this cartoonish Easter Bunny.  She decided she wanted to make a realistic bunny, so while I finished making this guy... 

She spent a lot of time meticulously crafting this amazingly life-like bunny!

The Monday before Easter, we dyed Easter eggs.  As usual, the boys are usually much more interested in how to destroy or experiment with eggs than they are in how to decorate them.  So these are mostly the ones the girls made.

And these are always my first flowers of Spring!  They look like little colorful Easter eggs that pop up in my planters around Easter time reminding us in the beauty and regeneration of life after a long Winter.

We are so grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and his willingness to take on our sins and die for us so that we can repent and someday live again with our Father in Heaven.  Happy Easter! 
