Ashlyn's Adventure in Basketball

This year marked Ashlyn and Tanner's first year in Junior High, which meant that if they want to play sports, they must now try out for and make the team.  Ashlyn was excited and nervous to try out for basketball this year and was ecstatic when she made the team.  We are so proud of her for going out of her comfort zone to try new things.

Though, she didn't play tons and spent much of her games looking like this...

She stuck it out and improved SO MUCH this year and began to do more of this... 

 And we were bursting with pride as we watched her get in the game, grab rebounds, put up shots, make baskets and just improve her coordination, basketball skills, and stamina a million fold. 

So proud to be this girl's momma and love watching her grow through hard work and dedication.  Way to go Ashlyn!


Annie Bingham saidā€¦
Good job Ash! So fun you made the team!!